Saturday, July 22, 2017

problem solving kids

A few weekends ago we went to the lake and had a wonderful morning of swimming, exploring, and playing in the sand! S and Z loved it, they kept telling us they are building a sand castle like Daniel Tiger did and a sand castle city like Charlie & Lola (such cute show without being annoying!). It was time for lunch and there were a few more kids with their families starting to show up, so we finished the moat and placing rocks all around when a little kid, maybe 6 or 7 came up and stomped on a part of the tower!

 Well, S yelled and chased her way and Z sat there screaming "that's not nice, I don't like that!" and it took everything inside of me to not pick up that kid and carry her over to her family! I was just as surprised and upset as S and Z were! She skipped back to the water and came near us again and S yelled, but I reminded him to use nice words and tell her how he felt, along with inviting her to build with us. She started to kick at the sand castle again and Joe chimed in telling her she can play with us but she can't mess up what we are building, and that's when her mom {finally} turned around and payed some attention to her.
That day got me thinking about how to better teach S and Z to solve problems with non family kids, since S will be going into preschool soon, I better have a few words of advice for him!
For the most part they play well and use their words at home, and we have some fine tuning to do with the playground scene since half the time there will be a squabble and then everyone runs off to play and that's the end of that. But being in close quarters with new kids for an extended length of time might be a challenge!

So I went online to explore the topic and found this really helpful article, and overall useful parenting site, to share because I think this upcoming chapter in our lives is going to prove difficult. I also need to check myself so I don't become overbearing and let both kiddos learn how to deal with others, maybe my way of problem solving when it comes to people is not the best and there is a more appropriate solution out there that I need to get on board with!


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