Monday, July 31, 2017

you & me & baby make 3

My husband and I have a few friends pregnant right now or just had their first baby, which is so exciting to gain parent-friends and we have been able to bestow our knowledge upon them over the months, so basically the "don'ts" we have learned over the years.

But first, I'm going to get this out of the way because it is just bugging me and I have to say it ... stop painting baby's room shades of GREY! Why, why, why would you paint a baby's room grey!? That color is not chic or modern when it comes to children and I have yet to see it done well so it is not depressing! I understand a neutral pallet is what the main idea is, but grey is a neutral color for your living room or dining room not for baby!
Ok, moving on. I love these products that we have used and a few of these are from my merchandising experience with ease of use, I feel that a few items are worth the price that the convenience factor adds to them, for example a double stroller that is easy to open, close, and get into the car. Another is a rocking chair. I would say find one that is comfortable to sit in and fits you just right, you will be spending time in the chair so you want it to work! I did not have that luxury and it really became an issue. Other big ticket items, think how often you use them and how convenient you want them to be, car seat, pack n play crib, changing table/dresser. For our changing table we lucked out with a hand-me-down dresser that was the same size as a changing pad, put that on top, used the top drawer for diapers and wipes, works out perfect!

We registered for a convertible crib that was not too garish or expensive and we have yet to use the convertible feature on it! I would suggest only registering for mattress, fitted sheets, breathable mesh bumper, and waterproof mattress protector {the one that is like a sheet for on top the mattress} because that is all you really need! The whole bedding collections are adorable but you don't use half of what is included! But always get a hamper. You could go either way on a diaper container thing but don't get it if there are special trash bags involved.

As far as gear for traveling, we went with a Graco car seat and double stroller, both middle of the road price tag and both worked well for what we needed it for, we also registered for a rear facing car seat when S would grow out of the "pumpkin seat" carrier style. That would be a big piece of advice that we have given friends, register for things that you know you will need up to one years old or even just pass that, time goes by fast and before you know it, you really do need those items! Also, get a baby wearing product! I liked my Moby Wrap so I could easily wrap it up around baby and not disturb him and have a hand free to work, type, make a sandwich. So far, friends have loved their baby wearing product and are glad they got one!

A few more bed and sleeping items we liked were Sleep SheepNight Light {really all of this brands safety items!} Linen Blankets and now there are so many brands of muslin linen blankets to choose from {and we used regular cloth diapers as burp towels, absorbent and easy to wash} Closet Organizer. Bath time is so simple and so fun, you don't need any baby size wash cloth, there are so many cute hoodie towels on the market, and a sensitive skin soap is all you need! And don't forget diaper rash cream, or use calendula ointment, after bath. We liked having this tiny tub in the bath, super simple and got the job done!

Feeding baby, whether its a newborn or a toddler, is crazy! It can be challenging, messy, takes longer than you thought it would, and is funny to watch their expression when trying something new! I wish we had a standing highchair, that way it would not have taken up a chair, and as S grew I found a really great booster seat. I liked the Dr. Brown Bottles and the Munchkin snack cups, the 360 cup they sell is good but I found a better sippy cup that is easier to clean, also I've never been a fan of the spout or straw cups, too many nooks and crannies that get missed when washing. Bowls, spoons, forks are pretty standard but these plates are a great size and made from recycled materials!

The toys are the best part to register for because there are so many fun things and adorable items from handmade, to natural wood, to the standard stacking cups and rattles! We loved this floor mat, it turned out to be the best gift ever, and this rocker chair came in handy so many times {but ours is not so bright with bulky toys, they changed the design}!

Last but not least {maybe this needs to be a two part post!} the diaper bag. I don't know why I thought a cross body/shoulder bag was a good idea! I slipped forward knocking into things, it slide up my shoulder scratching my neck, it was not practical and I wish I had just registered for a backpack from the start. There are a lot of backpack style diaper bags out there and I tried one that was cute and had magnet flap closure, and that was a mistake too! It was a high end name brand that I found at a resale shop and know I know it was there, the flap was secure with magnets in the front but not the sides, and items slipped out, the straps were very weird with the bulk of the bag falling forward, and items slipped out! Basically, a complete failure of design. Do yourself a favor and go to Target, look in the back to school/ travel aisles, and get a good old standard backpack! I like Embark because they have the jar top style with zippers and pockets everywhere! I have a place to easily get my keys and wallet, I have a place to put my water bottle and other items that need zipped up pockets, inside I have pockets for diapers, wipes, and extra clothes, plenty of space for a little insulated bag to keep bottle or sippy cup. It's not bulky and fits great, best baby register item ever!

Well, that doesn't even begin to cover everything, but it's the advice I have on some essentials items that have worked out so well for us! Happy registering!


Saturday, July 22, 2017

problem solving kids

A few weekends ago we went to the lake and had a wonderful morning of swimming, exploring, and playing in the sand! S and Z loved it, they kept telling us they are building a sand castle like Daniel Tiger did and a sand castle city like Charlie & Lola (such cute show without being annoying!). It was time for lunch and there were a few more kids with their families starting to show up, so we finished the moat and placing rocks all around when a little kid, maybe 6 or 7 came up and stomped on a part of the tower!

 Well, S yelled and chased her way and Z sat there screaming "that's not nice, I don't like that!" and it took everything inside of me to not pick up that kid and carry her over to her family! I was just as surprised and upset as S and Z were! She skipped back to the water and came near us again and S yelled, but I reminded him to use nice words and tell her how he felt, along with inviting her to build with us. She started to kick at the sand castle again and Joe chimed in telling her she can play with us but she can't mess up what we are building, and that's when her mom {finally} turned around and payed some attention to her.
That day got me thinking about how to better teach S and Z to solve problems with non family kids, since S will be going into preschool soon, I better have a few words of advice for him!
For the most part they play well and use their words at home, and we have some fine tuning to do with the playground scene since half the time there will be a squabble and then everyone runs off to play and that's the end of that. But being in close quarters with new kids for an extended length of time might be a challenge!

So I went online to explore the topic and found this really helpful article, and overall useful parenting site, to share because I think this upcoming chapter in our lives is going to prove difficult. I also need to check myself so I don't become overbearing and let both kiddos learn how to deal with others, maybe my way of problem solving when it comes to people is not the best and there is a more appropriate solution out there that I need to get on board with!


Wednesday, July 19, 2017

fit-ish ~ part 3

Food is fuel, food is medicine.
As much as I try to stick with that philosophy ... a weekend of chips & salsa with margaritas, pizza and beer, or birthday cake always trips me up!

Those "funny" workout tank tops are so damn true, I run because I really like dessert!

I also like easy ways to get a good meal and I'm just now figuring out the best foods for pre-workout and post-workout to really make sure my body is doing the best it can. You know what else I like, it's cookbooks! Yes, I have a great pinterest board full of awesome meal recipes and quick snack charts from lots of different blogs from all around {check it out here} but there is something about having the pages open with sauce stains and Gramma's handwritten notes that really make cooking that much more for me! Luckily, I do have some time each week for meal prep and I do not have any major food issues, so the world is my oyster when it comes to what my taste buds are in the mood for!

I've had results with South Beach Diet and Weight Watcher guidelines of eating, and I have a very good resource when it comes to Paleo style with most of my pins guided toward flavorful low carb meals. I also like to add in veggie purees into meals and baked goods {check out this book}. I have not lowered my intake of dairy, and I don't see that happening anytime soon because I have cooked with those ingredients for way too long and I feel that it would take another twenty-something years to relearn how to cook, plus yogurt with some berries and granola is my go to breakfast!

Speaking of breakfast, my easy ideas to start the day include...
turkey bacon, sausage & egg muffins, yogurt with berries and granola, yogurt with almond butter and banana slices, red beet pancakes, smoothies, barley bowl , breakfast "cookies"overnight oats , morning quesadilla {warming in the microwave works just as great!}, bowl of berries , and most of these I pair together. And don't forget the COFFEE!
So many of these are also pre workout snacks too.

So after the morning chaos and the day begins, it seems like in a blink of an eye someone is hungry for lunch! "We just had breakfast! Why are you hungry again, oh wait, it's 11:45 already!?" 

Yeah, it's lunch time and I need to stay away from the easy-to-grab cheese crackers ... ok, quick and healthy, I got this ...
rice cake with cheese or almond butter or avocado, protein shake, smoothies {so many choices!} and more smoothies , turkey and cheese, hummus and broccoli, lettuce wraps , chicken salad because there is always left over chicken in the fridge, always! trail mix, roasted chickpeas, an awesome salad with mandarin oranges and chicken or strawberries and steak, sweet potato fries, stuffed pita pocket in which I stuff salami, lettuce and tomato or chickpeas, spinach and a delicious dressing! I make ahead a lot of these on Sunday for the week or the freezer.

Dinner plans very since this household has different taste buds everyday of the week but something super helpful is a meal calendar that I pencil in dinner for every day of the week each month. This has made life SO much easier and all of that will be another post for another day, so stay tuned!
