Tuesday, January 31, 2017

modern couponing

I save money everywhere I can and most of the time, it's simple. But there is just not enough time {for me anyways} to search ads and online and paper coupons and comparison shop on my everyday essential type items! I barely have time to write this!

So I've found a handful of apps and online sites that are great, like I'm addicted to them they are so great, for groceries and shopping!! What's cool too is that I make it into a game with S & Z so shopping is not boring and they get fed up before we are halfway through the list.

* Ibotta - I love this app, so simple, tons of stores, search for stores or products, refer friends or start a "team" with challenges for more money, lots of variety of products at each store and all you have to to to activate an offer is answer a question or watch a few seconds of a commercial, scan your receipt and the product with your phone, after $20 you cash out through Paypal!

* Shopkick - I just started using this app and so it's great, turn on your location to activate any walk-in points (that's right, walk into a store and you already have points!), each store has a few products, some stores have a scanning option so all you have to do is scan a bar code and get points, each point goes toward a gift card of your choice, in the app you can watch a few seconds of a commercial to gain points, after a certain amount you cash out for your gift card (mine is Target, duh!)!

* Hip 2 Save - this is a great "hey did you know" app that posts great bargains or store giveaways and codes, scroll through the list of products and stores to find a deal or a freebie!

* Shopium - an app with a small list of grocery items that you request a rebate from, best to look at before you head out, you can refer a friend to get more credit, after a certain amount you cash out!

* Savings Star - another app with a small list of grocery items that you activate each offer you want, super simple and you scan your receipt with your phone, after a certain amount you cash out!

* Checkout 51 - great app with a small list of grocery items (but items I usually use!), some offers are only good at certain stores, activate each offer you want, scan your receipt, they have a contest to enter as well for a grocery receipt over $60, super easy and once you hit the amount you cash out or send through Paypal!

* BerryCart - this one is like the above mentioned but for healthy deals (no nacho flavored corn chips on this app!), lots of great brands to choose offers from, activate offer, scan receipt, after a certain amount cash out!

                       KEEP ON SAVING ON!


Wednesday, January 18, 2017

awesome parenting adive

Have you heard of Positive Parenting Solutions?! You should check out there awesome variety of parenting advice ... or should I say reminders!

There are so many things that I end up saying or doing in the course of a day that are just a routine habit or what I remember my parents saying and doing. Just stuff I remember, not necessarily taught, but stuff like adding "OK?" to what I'm telling S and Z. Or like making sure both kids are "entertained" from sun up to sun down, and then some!

I don't know how it happens, but it does and a post on Facebook from Positive Parenting Solutions with great video from World Economic Forum made me stop and I wanted to share. Why Being Bored is Good for Children, is the post and video that halted my scrolling! As I sit here writing, that is exactly what S is doing upstairs {and who knows what other shinanigans!} and that's OK with me, so after reading that post I'm glad to have been 'reminded' that it's good for kids to get bored!

Everyday there is a span of time that S is by himself so I can get a few things accomplished, and sometimes I do feel bad that I'm not right next to him playing along, but most days it is so fun to listen to him playing by himself! He sings, does character voices for his cars, pretends his stuffies are flying in space, talks to Alfie {Alfie is awesome, and we will get to that another time!}, pretends the floor is hot lava, the list goes on!

So I know I'm doing something right! It's nice to have a pat on the back!

Check out Positive Parenting Solutions on Facebook @PositiveParentingSolutions

                      MOMIN' AIN'T EASY!


Monday, January 16, 2017

hello 2017 ...

I feel like I say that every year, a new year, a fresh start, then it dwindles and you look back wondering ...  'what just happened?!'

That's right, there it is, my declaration! And the reason I'm staring this blog, to get a fresh start and change things up a bit so that new routines stick around and become my standard lifestyle!

I have my life, my work, my side projects, and now this in my crazy little world, and I hope there is enough of what I write and post about, that you like too!
I plan to make this blog about things I like, places we (husband and the minis) go in St. Louis, and articles that add to everyday knowledge. I plan to mix it up with parenting, kids activities calendar, date night ideas, healthy stuff, and my own ramblings about whatever I want.

This mama is just doing this parenting thing one day at time!

                   LOOK OUT 2017!